2023 WDA Workshops
To register for workshops, please go to the Registration tab
For questions about workshops, please email Dr. Chris Cleveland ccleve@uga.edu or Dr. Ellen Haynes ellen.haynes@uga.edu
1. ***NEW*** Forensic Science-co-hosted by WDA and the Davis-Thompson Foundation for the Advancement of Veterinary and Comparative Pathology
Date: July 29th
Location: Classic Center Convention Center
Summary: This workshop will offer training in a number of critical aspects of forensic investigation, particularly those relevant to wildlife species. The content will be delivered through a series of seminar presentations as well as discussions of actual forensic cases involving wildlife. Topics include chain of custody and security of samples, reporting, timing of death, species identification, documenting method of death, and expert witness testimony.
Registration for this workshop can only be done through the Davis-Thompson Foundation: https://davisthompsonfoundation.org/event/wdaworkshop/
Registration will be capped at 100 people
Cost: $50 – $125$50 for residents/students, $125 for professionals
2. Wildlife Disease Investigation—sponsored by a grant from USDA/APHIS Wildlife Services
Date: July 29th and 30th
Location: UGA CVM both days, full day
The goal of the workshop is to provide participants with the basic skills to investigate a wildlife disease or mortality event effectively, and safely. Participants will engage in a complete mock, hands-on disease/die-off investigation scenario, including initial field investigation and sample collection from wildlife carcasses. The following topics will be emphasized:
· Field Investigation techniques
· Specific necropsy and sample collection protocols for different taxa
· Comprehensive data collection including photographs
· Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
· Sample handling, preparation, shipment, and archiving
Registration will be capped at 25 people
Cost: $65 early registration and $75 late registration for students; $75 early and $80 late registration for others
3. Science Communication: Effectively communicating with the media
Date: July 30th, half day, afternoon
Location: Classic Center
This workshop will provide information and techniques to help early career scientists and students effectively communicate with the media. We will discuss several formats including print, and broadcast (television and radio) media. Participants will hear from journalists about details needed for effective interviews. Participants will also learn how to interact with members of the media, from the perspective of a scientist being interviewed. Finally, the workshop will cover effective communication strategies when engaging with politicians and government officials. The workshop will be three hours. The first hour is devoted to lectures and the remaining time will be for taped mock interviews with the workshop participants followed by engaging playback assessments for critique and development.
Registration will be capped at 40 people
Cost: $25 early registration and $40 late registration for all
4. Sea Turtle Health and Conservation
Date: July 30th
Location: Classic Center, full day
Summary: The workshop will cover a variety of relevant important topics in sea turtle health ranging from managing traumatic injuries, fibropapillomatosis latest research and management in the field and rehabilitation setting, Caryospora and other parasites of importance, analgesia and anesthesia, surgery, conservation medicine and wild population health monitoring, and many other topics of importance. The workshop will be interactive and will leave plenty of time for in-depth questions and answers and exploration of other topics of interest to the participants. The speakers’ collective expertise covers a broad range of experiences with sea turtle health and rehabilitation.
Registration will be capped at 100 people
Cost: $20 early registration and $30 late registration for all
5. Bee Health Workshop: from Hives to Honey
Date: July 30th
Location: Classic Center, half day, morning
Summary: This half-day workshop is an opportunity to hang out with bees from hive to honey! The workshop begins with a trip to the beehives at UGA’s teaching hospital. Participants will suit up and be given a tour around our hives which will include stories of experiences from students on our bee treatment crew. A talk will be given about how our hive inspections are conducted and participants will have the opportunity to see our monitoring equipment, how our hives are set during summer season, and a peek inside one of the hives. Participants will then participate in a honey tasting (with other snacks and refreshments provided. Workshop content will include details on bee life history, anatomy and diagnostic techniques.
Registration will be capped at 24 people
Cost: $15 early registration and $25 late registration for all
6. Introduction to the ACZM Exam Course: Review of Selected topics and study techniques
Date: July 30th
Location: Classic Center, all day
This course will provide an introduction to the American College of Zoological Medicine, and how to become a Diplomate, including details on exam preparation. Part of the day will be devoted to in-depth review of special topics about free-living wildlife health/medicine. For further details AND REGISTRATION for this Course please visit https://www.aczm.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=366916&module_id=66442
OR visit www.aczm.org or contact Anne Justice-Allen at ajustice-allen@aawv.net
7. Human Dimensions Workshop; Dealing with Homo sapiens: Applying social sciences to wildlife disease management
Date: July 30th
Location: Classic Center, half day, morning
Summary: This half-day workshop is an opportunity to learn how to actively engage diverse stakeholders, a critical skill for wildlife disease management. In this workshop we will:
provide an overview of how people’s characteristics and social/cultural groups influence their behaviors; and
investigate how human dimensions methods and research can be used to mitigate disease risks.
Workshop participants will consider which stakeholders should be engaged in disease mitigation, what actions or behavior changes are needed from these stakeholders, and how agencies or organizations can better collaborate with stakeholders and social scientists to address disease risks proactively and systematically.
Registration will be capped at 50 people
Cost: $25 for early registration; $35 for late registration for all
Photo by: Dr. Kevin Keel
71st Annual International Conference
of the
“People, Passion, & Purpose: The Pathway to Wildlife Health”
July 29-August 4th, 2023; Athens, Georgia