Our goal is to maintain a safe and healthy environment during the conference. To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, we recommend the following:
Please stay home if you do not feel well. We will offer a virtual platform for our attendees (details to come later).
Conference organizers will monitor community transmission of COVID and will provide updates as we draw nearer to the conference.
While at the meeting, wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
Masks are not mandatory, but please consider wearing a mask when in public settings or around others.
Maintain at least six feet distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
Avoid touching your face.
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
Consider testing yourself for COVID-19 before traveling to the conference and at the conference if you feel unwell (we will have some rapid tests available)
Thank you!!
Photo by: Dr. Kevin Keel
71st Annual International Conference
of the
“People, Passion, & Purpose: The Pathway to Wildlife Health”
July 29-August 4th, 2023; Athens, Georgia