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Call for Abstracts

Important Dates

Conference early bird registration opens: January 1st, 2022

Call for abstract opens:                                January 1st, 2022

Abstract submission closes:                       March 17, 2023 (New Deadline)

Presenters are notified of acceptance:      March 31, 2023

Early bird registration closes:                     April 30, 2023


Help us plan a cutting edge, impactful science program! The Scientific Program Committee is now accepting abstracts for the 71st International Wildlife Disease Association International Annual Conference in Athens Georgia, USA. The conference theme is “People, Passion, & Purpose: The Pathway to Wildlife Health.” Please note that all conference deadlines, including the Call for Abstracts are earlier this year than previous years.


One of our major themes this year will be human dimensions work in the context of wildlife health. In addition to a keynote address on this topic, two additional open sessions will include presentations on this topic. In addition, the Scientific Program Committee encourages abstracts that address the provisional themes listed below. As usual, we will also accept abstracts on all aspects of wildlife health and disease for the General oral and poster sessions.


Provisional Session Themes:

How wildlife rehabilitation contributes to population health

Chronic Wasting Disease

Mortality investigation and disease surveillance

Aquatic and invertebrate health

Wildlife Health in Latin America

Wildlife disease management and monitoring

Links between human and wildlife health

Advances in diagnostics of wildlife disease

Quantitative disease ecology

Urban wildlife health



Wildlife Health Research and Management on Tribal, Indigenous, and Native lands (Problems and Opportunities) (AAWV Sponsored)


Oral Presentations

To allow as many people as possible to give a talk, attendees will be limited to giving a single oral presentation; however, you may be a co-author on other presentations or submit multiple abstracts for poster presentation.


Poster Presentations

There will be two poster sessions, one focused on showcasing work by our student attendees and a general session.


Registration Required to Participate

All presenters (both poster and oral) need to register for the conference no later than April 30 2023, to confirm participation. If an accepted presenter does not register by that date, the Scientific Program Committee will assume they are not able to attend the conference and will find a replacement.


Abstract Preparation and Formatting Instructions

Abstracts will be submitted through the ExOrdo submission system - General instructions for submission through ExOrdo can be found here:


General Suggested Structure of Abstract:

• Present the context, problem, and/or background of the study

• Display the main hypotheses tested, the goals or the questions that the study addresses

• Describe the methodological approach employed

• State the most relevant results of the study of the main findings

• Provide clear conclusions or implications of the study that address the hypotheses tested, accomplish the goals or answer the questions of the study Abstract Guidelines:

• Abstracts submitted must be received by March 17, 2023

• Abstract length is limited to 300 words

• Be sure to include all authors in the author list, including the submitting author, and any coauthors

• All submissions will print exactly as submitted

• All abstracts must be submitted in English with a quality of spelling and grammar suitable for publication

• Proposals constituting of sales pitches for products or services will not be considered


NOTE: Students who are WDA members and would like to be considered for the Student Awards Competition must follow abstract guidelines and criteria. Be sure to select that you are "Student" during the submission process and if you want to be considered for the student oral or poster session.


Once you submit your abstract, ExOrdo will send you and your coauthors an email to confirm receipt of the abstract. This email will come from wda2023; check your junk folder if a confirmation is not received. After you submit your abstract, you will be able to log back into ExOrdo and make modifications up until the abstract submission deadline ( ). We will email you about the status of your abstract by March 31st. If you do not receive this status notification, contact Michael Yabsley,

Photo by: Dr. Kevin Keel

71st Annual International Conference

of the

“People, Passion, & Purpose: The Pathway to Wildlife Health”

July 29-August 4th, 2023; Athens, Georgia

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